I have decided to analyse data to evaluate the use of technology in education I have set down below a basic model and a link to a web site for those who would like to build their own survey.
The Basic model:
Materials and methods: Skills of students who use ITC in their studies:
My questions to students in local schools would be pre and post tested for my hypothesis. The questions were to be directed though the head of the Art department and local network office, which would include an E-mail to all students directing them to the web survey. Paper handouts were also handed out at the start and end of the projects to make sure that all those attending had access to the survey.
Make your survey link Link given to make their own survey to students.
Potential results and discussion of the web survey;
1. How many hours per week you use computer for study purposes on average?" and "How many hours per week you use computer in total: Example of question below.
Weekly time spent with a computer for studying purposes Weekly time spent with a computer in total
0 h
1 to 5 h
6 to 10 h
11 to 20 h
21 to 30 h
30 h plus
2. Are you easily capable of managing the following tasks related to studying technical resources and use of ITC
Yes No Missing answers (i.e. not applicable/or collected as data for the total percentage)
Use a printer.
File transfer on the web
Use of virtual learning environment
Spreadsheet computing
Presentation making (e.g. PowerPoint)
Information retrieval from the library databases
Handling attached files in e-mails
General information retrieval from the web using search machines
Word processing
What are your experiences of using ICT creatively for learning; Have or do you have use of a video camera.
Have or do you have use of creative programs i.e. video editing programs, sound editing.
Have you used any image processing programs.
Do you have a mobile phone or PDA that you use for media, i.e. music or films.
Do you think that you need the skills mentioned in the above questions.
Do you have an internet connection at home.
Do you feel that you have enough access to computers at school
Do you have access to a photocopier or scanner.
My predictions for the outcome:
Almost all of the students will have used computers for his or her studies. Over half of the respondents I expect will have utilized a computer for study purposes 1 to 5 hours weekly, and for other purposes substantially more. I predict most of the students possess a computer of his or her own. More than half of these students I would expect will own a printer and more than half of respondents will have an Internet connection at home. Most students will feel that there are enough computers in classrooms at their school, but maybe not creatively in art departments. Besides use of computers, students that have the use of a scanner, photocopier, printer, mobile phone, digital (video) camera, sound recorder and videos in their studies would also be high.
The reflections and possible outcomes of those students who have had experience of ICT, could be:
Independence of place and time:
Teamwork ·
Discussions ·
Communication (students-students-teacher) · peer assessment. tutors.
Personal feedback from the teacher.
Finding all material in one place.
Individual information retrieval.
Own more active participation.
No interaction.
Difficult use of WebCT.
Tight schedule.
Poor instructional design.
Slow modem connection to Internet.
Own responsibility of time scheduling, laziness, lack of self-discipline.
Obligatory commenting · more assignments than in traditional course.
Inexperience in studying on the web.
Restrictions placed by network office.
Based on the above mentioned, it might appear that students will have both good and bad experiences of E learning learning.